A Visit to Thierry Mugler: Couturissime @brooklynmuseum

Tierry Mugler “Thierry Mugler Couturissime” @brooklynmuseum Longhorn beetle flame inspired motorcycle corset and wig from Too Funky George Michael video

As an early Christmas gift to myself I went to see the Thierry Mugler: Couturissime exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum. The exuberance of his designs and his love for the theatrical really put me in a celebratory mood. This show runs until May 7th, 2023 so make the trip!

(If you can get there before January 29th you can also catch the Virgil Abloh “Figures of Speech” exhibit and save when you purchase both tickets. You can read about my experience at the Virgil Abloh “Figures of Speech” exhibit here.)

Thierry Mugler was born December 21, 1948 and passed of natural causes January 23, 2022. He was a designer that helped carve out my memories of what rockstars and super models - basically all the super stars of my impressionable teen years - looked like. These larger than life images came to me through MTV videos and fashion magazines. He designed the most over the top outfits of latex and lace, feathers and fantasy. Whether his creations were sexy, or, literally and figuratively, cheeky; sleek and futuristic or campy and nostalgic, his designs were always entertaining. It is hard to say whether his iconic clothing made the people he dressed iconic or the other way around. Some would argue the former over the latter and who could blame them? His genius was his imagination. Who can forget the flaming bovine skull corset with beetle-esque motorcycle handles gliding down the catwalk in a George Michael video or the black dress with the criss cross straps and triangular cutout bust line that Demi Moore wore in Indecent Proposal? He made many stops along the way including costume design for the theater as presented in dramatic fashion through a hologram reenactment of “La Tragedie de Macbeth” made for the exhibit by Michel Lemieux. He continues to design more recently for Beyoncé , Lady Gaga and Cardi B, even coming out of retirement to create the “Wet Dress” for Kim Kardashian. He has always been on the forefront of cutting edge fashion. This extends to his use of non-traditional models in his runway shows helping to open the door for a more diverse fashion culture. He was also renown for his perfumes and their gorgeously designed bottles. His were the scent of a whole generation of NYC fashionistas. I can easily recall the 90’s Saks Fifth Avenue corporate offices awash with the headiness of Angel. Here are some of Mugler’s iconic designs on display for you to see his genius for yourself.

The entrance to Thierry Mugler: Couturissime at the Brooklyn Museum

Thierry Mugler: Couturissme at the Brooklyn Museum

Thierry Mugler: Couturissme at the Brooklyn Museum

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Anne Wlaysewski

Anne is a New York-based Fashion Stylist who believes everyone has their own unique style:


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A Visit to Virgil Abloh “Figure of Speech” @brooklynmuseum